- Identify related groups of data (ex: orders, customers, products) and create separate tables for each group.
- All tables should have a Primary Key identifying an individual row in a table.
- No two columns in a table should have the same information and each column can contain only one attribute.
Second Normal Form (2NF):
- The database is required to be in the 1NF form.
- Identify data that applies to multiple rows in a table and extract it to a separate table(s)
- Create Foreign Key relationships between the new tables and the original table.
- The database is required to be in the 2NF form.
- A table should not contain columns that are not dependent on the Primary Key. For example, an Order table may contain a CustomerID column to denote the customer who placed the order, but may not contain the customers date of birth because its not related in any sense to the order.
- The database is required to be in the 3NF form.
- A table should not contain 2 or more multi-valued facts about an entity.
------------------------------------- | EmployeeId | Skill | Language | ------------------------------------- | 1 | Type | German | ------------------------------------- | 1 | Cook | Greek | ------------------------------------- | 1 | | Spanish | -------------------------------------
This table violates the 4NF form since it has 2 multi-valued facts (Skill and Language) in the same table. Instead this table should be split into two tables that individually satisfy the 4NF.
----------------------- ----------------------------- | EmployeeId | Skill | | EmployeeId | Langugage | ----------------------- ----------------------------- | 1 | Type | | 1 | German | ----------------------- ----------------------------- | 1 | Cook | | 1 | Greek | ---------------------- ----------------------------- | 1 | Spanish | -----------------------------References: http://www.bkent.net/Doc/simple5.htm
consider a relation R = {P, Q, R, S, T} and the functional dependency F = {P -> Q, {Q, R} -> S, S -> {Q, R}, {S, T} -> phi}. Are there any redundant functional dependencies in F? If so, remove them and decompose the relation R to 3NF relation.
ReplyDeleteif any1 know the answer email me 2 surajsharma_99@yahoo.com
hope this helps and clarifies