Problem: Given a string of N characters, write a program to produce all combination of the characters. String "abc" should produce "a", "b", "c", "ab" , "ac", "bc", "abc".
Solution: The recursive solution proposed below runs in O(2 ^ n).
Pseudo Code:
1. If input string length = 1
return a list with the input string in it
2. if input string length > 1
a. Get list of combinations recursively for sub string without the
1st character
b. Prepend the 1st character to all the combinations received from step a. and
add to a new list of combinations;
c. Add all strings from step a. above
d. Add the 1st character to the new list of combinations
e. return this new list of combinations
Code (C#):
static List GetCombinations(string inputStr, int index)
List newCombinations = new List();
if (index == inputStr.Length - 1)
List combinations = GetCombinations(inputStr, index + 1);
foreach (string str in combinations)
newCombinations.Add(inputStr[index].ToString() + str);
return newCombinations;
This is what I am looking for. Too good. Thanks.